Commercial kitchens experience constant traffic that could wear down standard countertops, utensils, and appliances. Cooking equipment and prep surfaces must be durable and rustproof to withstand the wear and tear of everyday use. Thankfully, stainless steel does just that.
Invented in 1915 by a company in Sheffield, England, the unique type of metal was designed to be perfect for commercial and standard kitchens. At the time, the corporation announced that it had created a new type of steel that was unstainable, non-rusting, and untarnishable. It is produced with 10.5% chromium, making it resistant to corrosion. That kind of metal was unheard of previously. It was reported that the new steel was specifically exceptional for use as cutlery since it kept its shine “even when brought into contact with the most acidic foods.” Surprisingly, the innovative steel was as simple to clean as traditional kitchenware. These days, stainless steel can be found in nearly all commercial kitchens, as well as numerous residential households. From knives to countertops, it quickly became the choice of steel for everyday use.
Stainless steel type 304, the most popular kind, can be welded without reducing its strength and stability. Unlike other materials commonly found in kitchens, such as stone and wood, stainless steel can withstand heat and will never rust. That means a person can place a heated pot on a countertop, and the heat will not spread or cause any damage as it would for other elements. Water can leave temporary marks on stainless steel, but it is easy to clean and will not leave permanent damage. In addition to the many benefits it provides, it is also environmentally friendly. About 50 percent of the stainless steel produced in the United States is created from recycled metal. This type of steel lasts nearly 100 years, which is a much longer life expectancy than other metals and materials commonly used in kitchens.
If not properly taken care of, kitchens can host or spread bacteria and foodborne illnesses that can have detrimental effects on a person’s health. Stainless steel is best suited for kitchens because it’s a hygienic form of metal. It does not have any pores or crevasses that could trap food or bacteria. Materials such as wood and stone can easily absorb bacteria, causing a potential health hazard. The smooth surface of stainless steel allows for easy cleaning and maintenance without the absorption of dangerous bacterias and viruses.
Stainless steel can be found in households, restaurants, and all sorts of commercial kitchens. The demand for this metal has increased drastically over the past several decades. With its shiny appeal, simple maintenance, and long-lasting design, it is easy to understand why stainless steel has become so popular. To keep your stainless steel counters in the greatest condition, it is best to clean them after every use. A damp cloth can clean most marks found on stainless steel counters, but some grime may require more than just water to maintain cleanliness. For difficult stains and grease, you can use baking soda and water with a cloth. Fingerprints tend to show up regularly, but they can be removed with standard glass cleaner and a soft cloth. Do not use a scrubbing brush or the rough side of a sponge to clean stainless steel, the bristles will leave scratches on the surface that may not be able to be removed. It is also best to avoid using bleach or harmful chemicals that can deplete the chromium layer and cause lasting damage.
With all of the excellent benefits stainless steel can provide, it might seem like there would not be any disadvantages to using it. There’s not many, but there are a few. Unfortunately, stainless steel is susceptible to dents and scratches. Initially, new countertops and equipment will be in perfect condition. The more traffic a kitchen has, the faster it will encounter wear and tear. All kitchens will likely experience that at some point, but do your best to take care of your stainless steel for long-lasting quality.
To extend the life of stainless steel, do not cut and chop your food directly on your countertops. Use a cutting board to avoid damaging the surfaces in your kitchen. You can find cutting boards in wood and plastic, both are similar, but they have their individual advantages. Slicing fruits, meats, and vegetables directly on a countertop will leave cuts in the steel.
Stainless steel has existed for over 100 years. Since its creation in 1915, the unique type of metal has improved the durability of kitchenware and countertops around the world. It is most commonly found in residential kitchens, restaurants, and other types of commercial kitchens. Many professional places of business use stainless steel for countertops, cutlery, prep tables, and sinks. Stainless steel is untarnishable, non-rusting, and unstainable. The chromium inside makes it resistant to corrosion and acidic juices, perfect for everyday cooking. Be sure to avoid foodborne illnesses by maintaining a clean environment. That includes your stainless steel countertops and cooking equipment. Though stainless steel is simple to clean with its smooth texture, it can still harbor viruses if not properly maintained. In most cases, you can use a damp cloth to clean your prepping surfaces. For tougher stains and grease you can use stainless steel cleaning spray or baking soda and water with a cloth. Take care not to dent the steel as it can be damaged fairly easy. The best way to avoid other types of severe damages, such as deep scratches, avoid cutting your food directly on the stainless steel countertops and prep tables. Instead, use a wood or plastic cutting board. With the versatile use of stainless steel and the many benefits it can provide to amateur and professional chefs, it is clear to see how it became the choice of steel for the global food industry.